
Click this to show a tooltip (click again to hide it).

There are several options available for this library. See the site for details. Note, also, that it requires Prototype version 1.4, as well as

SilverStripe Tree Control: Tree effect for Unordered Lists

Note that I did not have to do anything special to these links for this effect. All I did was give the <ul> a class of "tree", include the "tree" controller css and js references in the page, and invoke autoInit_trees() after loading (last step moved into custom tree-loader.js). Oh, and the images have to be present, as well. Still, it is simple and unobtrusive!

This works with unordered lists, not ordered lists.

Nice Titles: Hover over these links, please.

Note that I did not have to do anything special to these links for this effect. All I did was give them "title" attributes, per good HTML practice, and include the "nicetitle" css and js references in the page. Simple and Unobtrusive!

Downside: All other links in the page which don't have title attributes, come up plainly as "undefined".

In-page Sortable Table Columns

Two Methods

WebFX Method

Amount Brand Born On Cost Goodness
42127 Miller 2003-08-25 $5,123,123.99 bah
242.22K Guinness 2003-11-01 $8000.88 awesome
1.25M Cadillac Mountain Stout 2001-08-28 $69 unbelievable
40G Budvar 2004-09-22 $0 darn tootin'

Stuart Langridge's Method (Kryogenix)
Note that his version is free for commercial use, and it is "Unobtrusive"

Amount Brand Born On Cost Goodness
42127 Miller 2003-08-25 $5,123,123.99 bah
242.22K Guinness 2003-11-01 $8000.88 awesome
1.25M Cadillac Mountain Stout 2001-08-28 $69 unbelievable
40G Budvar 2004-09-22 $0 darn tootin'

Note: This approach does not require in-page scripting, nor images, as the above solution does.
However, it does not support custom types, as the above example does. This is illustrated by the "Amount" column.

fvlogger: JavaScript Logging

Note that this captures problems before they get to the JavaScript console.


Onion Skinned Drop Shadows

See the site for more detail and more variations.

Lightbox JS

Click on the image/link below for the effect.

The Solvent's sDumper

Everything produced below by clicking this link is from sDumper(document);! That's it!

Warning: Internet Explorer has a really hard time with this script. Only recommended for Firefox.