These examples represent just some of prototype.js' non-AJAX abilities.
This checkbox does not have an onclick or any other event handler directly defined. This is instead using prototype's bindAsEventListener function. View the page source to see the details.
You just arrived!
Click on this paragraph to add (then remove, alternately) a CSS class to it! It uses Element.addClassName(id, class) and Element.removeClassName(id, class).
There is no event handler attribute (such as onclick) explicitly on this paragraph. But there's one registered anyway, thanks to Event.observe()!
Try.these() executes each given statement until one succeeds, allowing for more concise "try/catching" and easier cross-browser support management.
Click me to execute with one good 'false' statement and one good 'true' statement.
Click me to execute two bad 'unsuccessful' statements.
Click me to execute the 'unsuccessful' statements above, but with a default 'false' option.
The paragraph below can be manipulated by the following links. Try it!
This is the target paragraph, with id "elemental"
Click for: Element.toggle('elemental');
Click for: Element.hide('elemental');
Click for:'elemental');
Click for: Element.remove('elemental');
Note: remove can only be called once per page load. The links above will result in JavaScript errors if clicked after the element has been removed.
The paragraph below can be manipulated by the following links. Try it!
new Insertion.Top('insertTarget', getInsertText());
new Insertion.Bottom('insertTarget', getInsertText());
Without Prototype: document.forms['convenientForm'].elements;